Monday, February 27, 2017

Bye Bye New England

So sad to be leaving! However this last week has been awesome! We saw
a lot of miracles this week.

The biggest one happened on the hardest day ever. We were feeling
really discouraged and we said a quick prayer for help. The next
person we talked to ended up being really open. As we talked to her, I
got the chance to bear my testimony. It was a simple testimony, but it
really seemed to help her. It is amazing how the lord answered
prayers, and it seems to help other people more than we expect.

Alicia is still doing great. She told us that she closes her eyes
during church and really feel the spirit as she listens to people sing
from their hearts. She is gaining a testimony bit by bit.

I am so grateful to have spent my time here. The lord has blessed me
to have met so many wonderful people here that have changed me. I am
grateful for the love I have in my heart for these people.

Thanks for all you do and all your support!
Love, Sister Lescarbeau

Monday, February 20, 2017

Last Week

That's right is the last week of my last transfer. YIKES! It's okay though, this next week will just be absolutely fantastic! Anyone who knows me knows that I go out with a bang!

We are still recovering form all the snow! It still makes some of the driving difficult...especially for us short people. We have had some good interactions with people while shoveling. Our neighbor always shouts as he uses his snow blower: Are ya'll ready for some more snow?!?!

I don't think I can say yes. But if it has to come, I guess we can have fun with it!

Alicia is still doing really great. She had an awesome experience with church this week. She had a lot of questions concerning the plan of salvation and what happens after this life, and it was really bothering her. We couldn't seem to answer her questions, which is hard. However, when she came to church she told us somehow all her questions where answered! Everyone at church had said something that answered her questions!

We went to visit someone on the island (Deer Isle) where the crazy bridge is. Also it is 1.5 hours away. And she wasn't home. But did we give up and go way! We knocked a couple door and met Priscilla, who wasn't totally willing to listen. However, we had an interesting conversation with her. As she tried to explain her beliefs, she kept confusing herself. She kept trying to prove us wrong, but when we just said that we knew it is true because of the spirit of God....she couldn't say anything back. 
One of the reason I love the gospel is because it is simple, and easy to understand. Jesus Vhrist wants to know for ourselves, so He speaks plainly so all can understand. It is an amazing thing to be a part of a church that welcomes questions and wants us to know for ourselves. That is what matters!

Have a great week!!!!
Sister L

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

NOR'EASTER (translation, TONS of Snow)

Seriously guys, I have seen a lot of things in my life. I have NEVER seen this much snow in my life. We had an accumulation of about 2.5 feet. I was fun to shovel, we met lots of people that way! We shoveled out two cars, out whole apartment walk way, a path to each person's car, and made cookies for our whole floor. That's what you do when you can't drive from 4pm Sunday until Tuesday Morning!:)

Along with my Nor'easter experience, I had a few other firsts. Like all in one day. I drove an hour and half to visit someone, saw a gorgeous "lobstering village", nearly got tackled by a 130 pound lab wrestling with a pitbull, and tripped and fell waist deep in the snow. Lots of laughter!

We taught Yvonne in that lobstah village, and caught her in her door yard (drive way) with three crazy dogs that were trying to jump on our car! Despite the crazy dogs we were able to share the restoration, and she accepted and is excited to learn more! it was her dogs that taught me that bearing strong testimony can protect you from harm. Her dogs, probably about 150llbs combined, ran into me full speed in the middle of my testimony of the Book of Mormon. And I didn't fall down. Since I don't think I turned into a rock solid hulk in that moment, it had to have been the spirit of God that protected me:)  

 Alicia is still doing amazing! She made me a birthday cake!!! I am so grateful for what I learn when I teach her. Her Native culture gives her an amazing sense of gratitude. She is going to do amazing things. She is getting baptized in March!!!

Have a great week you guys!!!

Sister Lescarbeau

Monday, February 6, 2017

Lovely Lobstah

yes I know those are is closest I could get. 

Hello all!

This week was a great one, even though we had some dramatic things happen. Like getting Bed bugs. yep. We had to launder all our clothes 3 times and get our apartment bombed. I walked away with about 20 bites, and my companion had none. Its all good though, nobody we taught has gotten them, so that is a huge blessing!!

We had an incredible miracle this week. We left a card and a Book of Mormon for a woman who is going through a hard time, and she called us that evening! She said she would like to meet us at church Sunday. We of course said yes! To be honest, I have had a lot of people bail on church so I was a bit nervous.But she came! She stayed for all three hours, and participated a lot! We taught her after church, and she is amazing. She is Navajo, so she has a really interesting perspective. As we taught her, the spirit was very present. She is so open to the gospel, and she really just wants to find truth. Luckily for us all, we don't have to take someone else's word fr anything, we can know for our selves. " By the power of the Holy Ghost, ye may know the truth of all things" 

So, ask for yourselves!!

I hope all have a wonderful week! 

Sister Lescarbeau 

Monday, January 23, 2017

Back To Northern Maine

I am officially the farthest Northeast I have ever been in my life! I am so glad to be back in Northern Maine, I missed those lovely accents!:)

This week has been absolutely crazy..but wonderful! Our drive up was long, about 4 hours. Since neither my companion or I had ever set foot in this area, we got some phone numbers from the elders and called tons of people. We mostly were calling for help to move all the things in our apartment to a new one, per President Blair's instruction. So we not only had to learn a new area, but we had to go through an apartment that missionaries had lived in for years and then bring it to new place! Missionaries accumulate a TON of stuff. That was a fun adventure. Luckily I have a fun, fantastic companion that makes things fun!

Since we have no prior knowledge, we have really relied on the Lord . The promise in Proverbs is so real. The one that goes:
 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)
We really tested that promise this week, and we saw many miracles. My knees have calluses from all the praying I have been doing with my companion. We have seen miracles in the form of texts from random people asking when we can stop by, members offering to drive us to far out areas, and small daily goals being fulfilled in small ways. The Lord truly is aware of our needs ! And if He is aware of some silly sisters in Maine, He is sure aware of you!

The coolest miracles was when we asked the Lord to help us find someone to teach at a specific time, 3pm. We set a goal to teach a lesson on Sunday and everyone fell through. We prayed for direction, and after 30 minutes of calling people, we found someone! And guess what time they wanted to meet....3pm! We had to immediately say a thank you prayer for Heavenly Father's awesomeness!

I hope you all have a fantastic week! 

Sister Lescarbeau

The last picture is my companion trying a Maine Whoopie pie for the first time...mmmmmm

Monday, January 16, 2017

Seek and Find

The promise in the scriptures of "seek and he shall find, ask and he
shall receive " is so real guys. We asked for miracles and we saw
them! They are truly just a prayer (and of course willingness to act)

One of the cool experiences we had came from an awkward moment. Those
happen a lot as missionaries...let me tell you. We met Caleb while he
was walking his dog, but he walked right past us! So my companion
hollers, after he has already crossed the street, " Wait, what is your
name?" He miraculously ended up turning around and talking with us! He
shared that he had been rejected by a previous church because of his
previous addictions.We got to testify of the atonement of Christ and
how it helps us really change, right there on the street. I love those

We also met a woman who said she had lost a lot of her faith and was
wanting to get it back. We starting talking about how how we
strengthened our faith through the restored gospel of Christ, and she
seemed really touched. Then she just bore her soul to us. This is a
situation that happens to us missionaries often . People say: "I do
not know why I am telling you this. I don't even really know you!"
Then we just think, "don't worry this happens a lot. It is the spirit
of Christ!"

We taught our amazing new investigator Ken! We met him out side his
home near the beach. We came back a few days later with Jamie, a
member of the ward here. We found out that he had already read the
materials we gave him and started the Book of Mormon. He said he felt
like God sent us to him to help him gain his faith again. Jamie ended
up being the perfect member too. She bore amazing testimony and
challenged him to keep reading! He is excited to come to church, and
thanked us so much for coming. I am always humbled when people are so
grateful for our message... it really does change lives!

I found out I am being transferred to a new area for my last six
weeks! I am going three hours north to Ellsworth Maine! It is right
next to the famous Acadia National Park and Bar Harbor! My new
companion and I will both be brand new in the area, so it is a fresh
start! It'll be exciting!

I am thankful for the amazing love of our Savior Jesus Christ. He is
the only reason I am able to do this great work. We see many hard
things as missionaries, and everyone does in this crazy world we live
in! I love when Christ said : "These things I have spoken unto you,
that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have
tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John
16:33. No matter what it may be, nothing of the world can bring us
peace. The world takes and takes but never gives back , yet our Savior
not only gives but gives more than we deserve. I love sharing this
message with those that struggle with the pressures of this world.

Remember the Lord loves you! He knows you, He is guiding you

Much love,
Sister Lescarbeau